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Grow Your Vision


Grade one to three of the progressive grades pack focuses on the student’s further development.

Students study comprehensive barre exercises training feet, legs, arms, posture and balance. Traditional classical style including port de bras, adage and allegro increase in difficulty through grades 1-3 and build on the previous grades. A short dance is performed in each grade to music of choice. 

All barre and centre exercises increase in difficulty fostering strength, control, placement, balance and posture. Centre work includes pirouettes, adage and allegro studies thus training the student in technique, continuity and style.

A classical dance is performed in each grade to music of choice. Grades 5 and 6 also perform a National dance.

There are many styles of Jazz as it has progressed and developed as a genre in its own right with a wide variety of music enhancing this dance style.  


Jazz is fun, creative, high energy, and great fitness activity.

Classwork in Jazz develops technique, posture, body alignment, strength, flexibility, personal interpretation, presentation and performance skills, dance quality, movement dynamics, articulation, coordination, rhythm, and use of space.

Jazz helps children feel secure, strong, and confident in their own body and their dance environment.  Jazz also encourages teamwork, friendships, and creative expression


Have FUN moving and making music with your feet.  

A style of dance where the feet are the instrument and you create your very own sound.

Classwork involves a collection of exercises, amalgamations, dances, and choreographed routines.  

Benefits and opportunities from choosing tap:

- Exams and Eisteddfod performance opportunities.
- Learn musicality, beat tempo and timing, rhythmical accuracy
- Opportunity to experience a wide variety of Tap styles and music. 
- Traditional Tap with a variety of rhythms including the waltz, foxtrot, tango cha cha 
- Street style funk Tap to modern music


Your Talent Team prides our Tap classes on encouraging and developing a strong foundation of technique, posture, strength, control and coordination, use of space, dance quality, performance skills, personal expression and creativity.


H I P  H O P

Hip Hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip hop music that has evolved as part of Hip Hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles.  


Hip Hop is fun!!!!   At Your Talent Team we love Hip Hop, it breaks all the rules of traditional dancing. Hip Hop encourages creativity using personality as the children get to tap into new parts of their personality.  They have freedom of movement and interpretation whilst gaining fitness.   And now we offer this to the ADULTS!! Come along and try a class for free. 



 Encourage your students with positivity and inspiration to fly high and free, allowing them to develop into truly unique and educated artists"

Lyrical places a heavy emphasis on the connection between body and mind. Dancers explore their emotions through exercises and choreography.

Lyrical dance involves playing with balance, floor work, fall and recovery, creative interpretation and expression, improvisation. With the focus on breathing posture emotional state in order to establish a mind/body connection.

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